There are many different cat species in the world, and knowing which ones you’re likely to come across will help you keep your cat healthy. Cats are excellent pets for many people, but they can also be difficult to care for if you don’t know much about them. Luckily, there aren’t too many things to know about cats. It’s not hard to keep a cat indoors or let one out occasionally, and any mammal will do the same thing if given the chance. The only thing that separates cats from other mammals is their ability to hunt small prey and hide from their enemies by stalking them from a tree.
Domestic Cat (Felis catus)
Domestic cats are found throughout the world, except for the colder regions. They are very social animals who enjoy being around people. They are usually very friendly and easy to get along with, but like most animals, they can sometimes be aggressive toward other animals and people. Domestic cats are a type of cat that hails from Africa. They were brought to the Americas by humans, and they have since spread to many parts of the world. Domestic cats are mostly gray, with white, orange, or cinnamon patches on their paws, tail, chest, and abdomen. They have a strong prey drive, which means they are constantly looking for ways to hunt small animals. People have bred domestic cats with various other animals to create many different cat breeds.
Egyptian Mau (Catus egypius)
The Egyptian Mau is the smallest wild cat in the world. The average adult weight is about 4.5 pounds. They are primarily found in sub-Saharan Africa. The Egyptian Mau is the only wild cat that lives in trees. They live in large groups and eat mostly small rodents. These cats are nocturnal and are known to be very curious. They are also known to be very social, making them excellent climbers.
European Shorthair (Felis silvestris)
The European Shorthair is the most common domestic cat in the world. They are gray or fawn colored cats with black-tipped ears and a cobby body. They have a long, slender build and a velvety coat that allows them to be very sleek. They are known for their curiosity and are excellent climbers.
Exotic Shorthair (Felis britneyeii)
The Exotic Shorthair is a longhair cat that can come in nearly every color. They are known for their unique coat pattern, which includes a rosette, smoky overlay, tabby stripes, and spots, and is known as an ombré pattern. Exotic Shorthairs have an extremely varied coat that allows them to be very sleek and look very cool. Exotic Shorthairs are also excellent climbers.
Burmese (Myanmar) Cat (Catus margoyii)
The Burmese cat is a longhaired cat that hails from Burma and is the national cat of Burma. They are known for their amazing wrinkles, especially on their foreheads. Burmese cats are also excellent climbers. The average adult weight for a Burmese is about 6 pounds.
Japanese Bobtail Cat (Felluss caucensis japonensis)
The Japanese Bobtail is a longhair cat that is native to Japan. They have very unique bobtail hair, which is a result of bobbed tails in the breeding process. Japanese Bobtails are also known for their large ears and almond-shaped eyes. The average adult weight for a Japanese Bobtail is about 5 pounds.
Chinese Bobtail Cat (Felluss chinensis)
The Chinese Bobtail is a hybrid between the Burmese and the Oriental Shorthair. The two breeds are known for their long, longhair coats, and Chinese Bobtails are known for their very large ears. Chinese Bobtails are excellent climbers.
Russian Blue (Felluss coeruleus)
The Russian Blue is a longhaired cat that hails from Russia and is known for its blue eyes and unusual coat color. They are also excellent climbers. The average adult weight for a Russian Blue is about 6 pounds.
Abyssinian Cat (Felluss abyssinicus)
The Abyssinian is a domesticated longhair cat that originated in Ethiopia. They have very unique patterns and eyes that are a brownish-orange color. Abyssinians are also excellent climbers. The average adult weight for an Abyssinian is about 6 pounds.
Somali Boggomorri Cat (Felluss somaliensis)
The Somali Boggomorri is a hybrid between the Egyptian Mau and the Exotic Shorthair. They are also a longhaired cat and are excellent climbers. The average adult weight for a Somali Boggomorri is about 6 pounds.

Havana Brown Cat or Ocicat (Felluss micropeltes)
The Havana Brown is a domesticated longhair cat that originated in Cuba. They are also known as Ocicats and are excellent climbers. The average adult weight for a Havana Brown is about 6 pounds.
Burmese or Asian Leopard Cat
The Burmese cat is a longhaired cat that is native to Burma and is the national cat of Myanmar. They have similar features to both the Exotic Shorthair and the Oriental Shorthair and are excellent climbers. The Asian Leopard Cat is a hybrid between the Burmese and the Bengal and hails from Southeast Asia. They are also excellent climbers.