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10 Healthy Best Foods For Dogs Love

10 Healthy Best Foods For Dogs Love
10 Healthy Best Foods For Dogs Love

When it comes to feeding your furry friend, you have a lot more on your plate than just worrying about what looks good and what doesn’t. You have to make sure you’re providing them with the best possible diet – one that will help build their muscle and provide them with the necessary nutrients they need to stay healthy. To do this, you need to know which foods are safe for your dog, since not all of them will be beneficial. Every dog is different so some might love beef while others won’t touch it. Fortunately, there are quite a few foods that most dogs love regardless of their individual tastes. In this blog post, we’ll explain which foods are safe for dogs and which ones they should avoid.

What Foods Are Safe For Dogs?

Dogs are carnivores, so they can only thrive when they are fed a diet rich in protein. Now, it’s true that most dogs love to chow down on fruits and vegetables just as much as anything else but, unlike us, they don’t really need the additional protein that comes with them. While your dog’s system isn’t equipped to break down fruits or veggies, meat still provides them with all the essential nutrients they need. That said, there are certain foods that are dangerous for dogs. The most common examples of these are chocolate, grapes, avocados, and sunflower seeds.

Which Foods Are Dangerous For Dogs?

The list of foods that are dangerous for dogs is long and includes just about everything that comes from a plant. Incredibly, though, not all of the plant foods are dangerous for your pup. The most dangerous ones are grapes, avocados, raisins, coffee beans, chocolate, tomatoes, and sunflower seeds. Anything else is safe to eat, including vegetables, fruits, wheat, herbs, and legumes.

Oatmeal for Dogs

Oats are a healthy grain for dogs, but they shouldn’t be the main ingredient in their diet. While oatmeal can provide them with important vitamins and minerals, it’s not the best food for them and should be used only occasionally.

Baked Goods

There are a few people who swear by the idea of feeding their dogs whole-grain bread and baked goods – the same ones they love to eat. While this might sound like a great idea, it’s not a good one. Yes, whole-grain bread is rich in fiber and minerals, but it’s also loaded with too much starch for a dog’s system to handle. Too much starch isn’t good for dogs – it causes them to become gassy and sluggish.

Eggs and Dry Dog Food Only

While eggs are full of protein and nutrients, they are also extremely high in cholesterol and are not recommended for dogs. There are a couple of options that are okay to give your dog, though. One of them is raw eggs. You can also buy properly dried eggs. The best option is to feed your dog dry dog food only. Dry dog food doesn’t contain eggs.

Fruits and Vegetables

Both fruits and vegetables are great for humans and should be a part of every dog’s diet. Some plants, though, are a better choice than others. Vegetables and herbs are fine to eat while fruits are dangerous. Most fruits, including apples, grapes, and pears, contain too much sugar which is not good for your dog’s teeth and digestive system. On the other hand, vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, and beets, are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They are also low in sugar.

10 Healthy Best Foods For Dogs Love
10 Healthy Best Foods For Dogs Love

Safe Conclusion

There are many benefits to feeding your dog with a nutritious, species-appropriate ration. However, when you don’t know what type of diet to provide them with, it’s easy to make mistakes. This is why it’s so important to research what foods are safe for dogs. Now, you can rest easy knowing that almost all of the foods you love to eat are safe for your pup too.

10 Common Cat Diseases and How to Treat Them

10 Common Cat Diseases and How to Treat Them
10 Common Cat Diseases and How to Treat Them

If you’ve recently brought home a feline friend, congratulations! Loving your cat is one of the best feelings ever – and it’s so much better when they are healthy and happy. That being said, cats also come with their fair share of challenges. From constant cleaning to hiding spots in every corner, a single cat can make life a lot harder than it needs to be. That’s where a reliable vet comes in. A cat that is treated for its various medical problems as soon as they are spotted will have the best chance at long-term recovery. Keeping your kitty healthy is no easy task either – but with a little preparation, it doesn’t have to be impossible either. Here are some of the most common reasons why your kitty may be sick and how you can treat them accordingly:

Upper Respiratory Disease (URD)

Cats are very particular when it comes to their breathing. They have a nose that can filter large quantities of air very quickly, which is why they are excellent at hunting small prey. However, this hunting method means that cats don’t need as much oxygen as humans do. They are also more prone to upper respiratory diseases, like URD. As the name suggests, this is a disease that affects the cat’s respiratory system. Cats can get all sorts of illnesses and infections, including bacterial infections like panleukopenia, feline viral rhinotracheitis, and feline herpes virus. While the exact cause of URD is not completely understood, it is believed to be caused by a combination of factors, including genetic mutations, air pollution, and even stress. Cats that live in cities or who spend a lot of their time indoors are more likely to develop URD. That being said, it’s possible to prevent this disease. Just keep your cat’s environment clean and well-ventilated, and be sure to provide plenty of fresh water and food.

Heart Failure

Heart failure is a condition where the cats’ heart fails to pump enough blood around the body, resulting in a buildup of fluid in the lungs and blood vessels. Two of the most common heart diseases in cats are mitral valve dysplasia and cardiomyopathy. The former is a genetic mutation that causes the valves in the heart to be malformed – an abnormality that is usually harmless, but may cause the cat to develop heart disease as it gets older. The latter is caused by a number of factors, including a weak or underactive heart, high blood pressure, kidney disease, or even obesity. If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, it’s best to bring them in for a check-up. Unfortunately, heart disease can be fatal, so it’s important to get it treated right away. The first step is diagnosing the cause and then taking the cat to the vet for a treatment plan. If your cat is suffering from heart disease, it’s important to try and keep them as comfortable as possible.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Cats are not usually susceptible to infections like humans are, but there are a few exceptions. FIP is one of these. When a cat catches FIP, their body becomes so inflamed and sick that it starts to affect their intestines. This leads to swift, painful death. Thankfully, catching FIP is very rare. FIP is caused by a type of bacteria called felis catus catx. While it can be contracted from infected cats, it can also be passed on by contaminated food or water. This means that both pet and human owners can catch it. If you notice your cat has been acting strangely, has a persistent diarrhea, or if they suddenly stop eating, it’s best to bring them in for a check-up as soon as possible.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Cats are extremely clean animals – that’s just their nature. This means that they are susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTIs). Luckily, UTIs in cats are rather rare and easily treated. You should always make sure that your cat has clean water and food at all times, and that they don’t have access to other animals that have UTIs. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s best to bring your cat in for a check-up. In most cases, a UTI can be treated with a course of antibiotics.

Abscesses in the Skin and Muscles

Although uncommon, abscesses in the skin and muscles are quite serious. When an infection penetrates the skin, a cut, scrape, or even a minor wound, the immune system will try to fight it off. In some cases, the immune system is unable to fight off the infection, and an abscess will form. Depending on the severity of the abscess, you may be able to treat it yourself. If you can catch the infection early enough, you can try to clean the cut with warm water and a non-antibiotic hand soap. You can also try to drain the abscess by making a small incision at the base of the infection and allowing the pus to drain out.


Diarrhea is easily treated and is usually caused by a virus. There are a few different types of viruses that can cause diarrhea, and they all respond well to different treatments. In most cases, you can treat diarrhea with a combination of probiotics and antibiotics. To prepare for this treatment, make sure that your cat is getting plenty of water and food. Also, be on the lookout for the following symptoms: – Loss of appetite – Shaking or trembling – Blood in the stool – Wet, noisy, or gurgling noises when they defecate – Severe, persistent diarrhea – Urine changes – Other

Other Cat Health Concerns

In addition to the major health concerns listed above, it’s important to keep an eye out for the following issues in your cat: – Feline Growth Hormone Deficiency (FGHD): This condition is caused by the body producing too much of the hormone, and it is usually found in overweight cats. Treatment usually involves giving your cat a high-calorie diet and, if necessary, an operation to stop them from overeating. – Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): This is a highly contagious disease that attacks the cat’s immune system. Once infected, a cat is likely to die from the disease within 2 to 4 years. This is a condition that needs immediate treatment. – Feline Leukemia: This is a very rare disease that affects the blood cells in the cat’s body. Signs include weakness, weight loss, and anemia. – Feline Zeugma: This is a type of staph infection that causes blockages in the urinary tract. It usually presents with a very serious infection.

10 Common Cat Diseases and How to Treat Them
10 Common Cat Diseases and How to Treat Them

Wrapping Up: What You Can Do to Help Your Kitten

There are a number of reasons why your kitty may be sick, and a few of them may be serious. To prevent your cat from getting sick in the first place, try to keep their environment clean and well-ventilated, provide plenty of fresh water, and make sure they are getting enough food. If you notice your cat acting strangely, or if they suddenly stop eating, it’s best to bring them in for a check-up. Make sure to bring along your vet’s visit form, as it makes things easier when it comes to scheduling your pet’s check-up. There are a number of things you can do to keep your cat healthy and happy.

10 Cat Exercises That Burn Over 50 Calories  

10 Cat Exercises That Burn Over 50 Calories  
10 Cat Exercises That Burn Over 50 Calories  

Cats are independent creatures that enjoy spending time on their own. That’s why they love to play and get into activities that help tire them out. If you have a cat, then you know that these animals are extremely active and need to expend energy through play. In this article, we will talk about some of the best ways you can burn calories playing with your cat instead of letting them lounge around all day. Why is Cat Agility so Important? Whether it’s because they don’t realize it or because they just don’t care, cats tend not to participate in active pursuits like running or playing sports. However, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t interested in other things. Cats like to be outside, whether they are chasing birds or hunting mice. They love the outdoors and being active, even if they pretend otherwise by hiding when people come over and sitting with their nose pointed at the ground while being ignored by anyone who comes over.

 Jumping and Leaping

Cats are naturally agile, and jumping and leaping are both great ways to burn a ton of calories and increase your cat’s health. When you play with your cat, throw some balls, wands, and cat toys to create a game that involves jumping, climbing, and chasing. Your cat will enjoy chasing its own tail, and this is a good way to work on your cat’s hip and leg muscles while also having fun. Jumping also helps you burn calories because it raises your heart rate and increases blood flow to your muscles, which means that you’re getting an extra workout while playing with your cat.

Hide and Seek

Most cats love to hunt, and hide-and-seek is the best way to get your cat to exercise. You can hide small treats or cat toys throughout the house, and then make it part of your cat’s game to find them. This is a great way to get your cat to move around and get some exercise at the same time. Hide-and-seek is also a good way to work on your cat’s hunting skills, which will help make your cat feel more confident when it comes to dealing with other cats outside of the house.

Running and Sprinting

Cats are naturally fast, but most of our cats don’t get enough speed training in their lives. You can get your cat used to running and sprinting by walking or running around the house with it. This will help burn calories and increase your cat’s endurance. However, make sure that when you’re sprinting with your cat that you don’t go too fast. You don’t want to injure your cat, but you also don’t want to burn so many calories that you make your cat uncomfortable.

Hide-and-Seek Games

Cats love hunting, so why not turn your house into a hunter’s den? Hide cat treats around the house, and then make it a game for your cat to find them. This will help your cat build its hunting skills, and it will also get your cat moving around and burning calories at the same time. You can also make it a game where you hide treats around the house and make it part of your cat’s game to look down at the ground and see where you hid the treats. If your cat is a bit older and more agile, you can add in ladder games, where you hide treats on a ladder and your cat has to climb up the ladder and get the treats.

Bouncing Object Games

Bounce objects like a tennis ball, a hockey puck, or a beach ball to help burn calories and improve your cat’s fitness. Make the game more challenging by having multiple objects that your cat must chase down and get a certain number of points for. This will help your cat get used to moving around and exercising its muscles at the same time. Your cat may not like chasing the object around the room, so you can also play a game of fetch where you throw the object as far as possible and have your cat chase it down. This will help you burn calories and get your cat used to being active, while also having some fun.

Strength Training Games

If you have a cat that loves to hunt, then you can strengthen your cat’s hunting skills by playing “catch” with it. You can use a soft toy or a piece of string to make it more challenging for your cat. You can also help your cat stay fit by playing a game of “beep,” where you hide rubber balls that make a beeping sound. Your cat can hide the balls around the house and then make it a game for your cat to find all the balls and get moving to burn calories. You can also play a game of “seek” where you hide small toys or treats around the house and have your cat help you find them.

10 Cat Exercises That Burn Over 50 Calories  
10 Cat Exercises That Burn Over 50 Calories


Cats are cool pets, but they are also active animals that need to get some exercise if they are going to be happy and healthy. That’s why we’ve given you some of the best ways to play with your cat to help you work out and burn calories at the same time. Make sure that you get your cat moving around and chasing toys, jumping, and playing with objects, and you will be helping your cat stay fit and happy at the same time.

7 Best and Effective Exercises for Dogs

7 Best and Effective Exercises for Dogs
7 Best and Effective Exercises for Dogs

When it comes to pets, we don’t think about the fact that their bodies are different from ours, and they need a workout too. Even though some dogs may seem like they never sweat or have any excess energy, they need regular activities to stay happy and healthy. With that being said, dog owners need to invest time in their pet as well. Dogs love spending time with people, so why not give them something in return? Thankfully, there are many dog-friendly ways you can keep your pooch active throughout the day. Whether you have just one dog or a whole pack of them, we have some great tips for you. Keep reading for more information on how you can keep your favorite canine active and healthy with a few simple tricks.

Get Your Dog Moving: A Brief Guide For Newbies

The first thing everyone should do is to get their dog moving. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many owners are guilty of sitting their dog out. When you don’t get your dog moving, he will end up being less active than your cat. Many dog owners have a misconception that their dog doesn’t have daily energy needs or needs less activity than a cat. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Dogs are just like us in the fact that they need exercise too.

A recent study found that just 30 minutes of brisk walking could be just what your dog needs. The same researchers found that if you walk your dog just one extra hour daily, it could add up to four extra years of life!

Try Shouting HI!

Most dogs love being outside. Even the most outdoor-averse dogs can be coaxed out for some potty breaks if you try new tricks. Shouting HI is a great social trick to start your dog’s day with. You don’t need to say anything special; just take a few seconds to make some noise. You can use a kitchen utensil or even clap your hands to create a little noise. You don’t have to make a ton of noise, just a few seconds will do nicely.

Start With a Walk

The best way to get your dog moving is to walk with him. Even if you’re just taking the tiniest walk possible, it will be healthier than you sitting. Walking is a great way to meet your dog’s daily exercise needs. Before you take your pooch on a walk, make sure you do the following:

  • Feed your dog – Even if you’re just feeding him a small treat, this will keep him happy and help with his digestion.
  • Secure your dog in a crate – Crating your dog is not just for flights or trips to the vet. It is also a great way to keep your pooch out of trouble while you’re at work.
  • Make sure your dog has current vaccinations – This is especially important if your dog is a hunting or working breed.

Jumping Is Fundamental

Jumping is an excellent way for your dog to release energy and have a little fun. Getting your pet jumping is another great way to burn off excess energy. There are many different jumping toys you can use for jumping, but the most important thing is to have your dog work to get it. This will help your dog let go of his pent-up energy.

Add Some Pounding Atoms

If you want your dog to be more active, you need to get him moving first. Once you’ve got your dog moving, you can begin adding some jumping and jogging. Running is great for dogs because it gets them up and moving. It should be noted that there are many different breeds that are too heavy to run with. If your dog is a pug, bulldog, or similar breed, you should avoid running with him.

Don’t Forget The Hide-and-Seek Game

A final way to get your dog moving is to play hide-and-seek! Dogs love this game because it is similar to their hunting instincts. There are many different locations that make great hide-and-seek games. You can try out your local park, a trail, or even your backyard.

7 Best and Effective Exercises for Dogs
7 Best and Effective Exercises for Dogs


Dogs need exercise just like people and cats do. If you don’t give your dog a proper workout, he will end up being less active than your cat. Dogs need to be active just like people. If you don’t give your dog a proper workout, he will end up being less active than your cat. Dogs can be very active in many different ways. There are many different ways that your dog can be active. You can take your dog for a walk, play a game of fetch, or even teach your dog a new trick.

There are many different ways that your dog can be active. There are many different ways that your dog can be active. There are many different ways that your dog can be active. There are many different ways that your dog can be active.

6 Best Healthy Foods For Your Cat

6 Best Healthy Foods For Your Cat
6 Best Healthy Foods For Your Cat

A family cat comes with the responsibility of taking care of their human as well as their feline counterparts. Keeping your cat healthy and happy is not an easy task but it does not have to be either. When it comes to cats, you know what they say: beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder! Yes, that means even though your cat may not appreciate what you do for them, they still love you all the same. One of the best ways to show your appreciation is by giving them the healthiest foods they can have. And while a lot of people assume that cats are carnivores and will only eat meat such as chicken and fish, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Cats are omnivores meaning they can eat a little bit of everything. Fortunately, there are many healthy foods for your cat that covers all other types of proteins besides meat too! Keep reading to learn more about the best healthy foods for your cat along with tips on how to feed your kitty without harming them in the process!


Eggs are one of the most versatile foods for cats. These are a great source for protein, vitamins and minerals. They are also a very low-calorie food with a carbohydrate to protein ratio of only 5:1. As far as vitamins go, the yolk of an egg is where most of the essential vitamins are found. Vitamin A and Vitamin D are especially abundant in eggs. A serving size for a cat is about 3 eggs per week. You can also feed your cat omelettes as a snack or in a bowl with fresh vegetables. You can also mix in minced fish or poultry as a cat treat. If your cat is allergic to eggs, you can feed her other protein sources such as tuna or chicken.


Tuna is one of the best foods for cats because it is a low-fat, low-calorie, and protein rich food. Tuna, salmon and other fish species are the perfect source of omega 3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties and have been proven to lower heart disease risks in cats. Tuna is also a good source of protein and rich in vitamins B12, D and K. A serving for cats is about 3 oz. per day. You can also feed tuna as a snack with fresh vegetables, or use it as a topping for kibble. If your cat is allergic to tuna, you can feed her other protein sources such as salmon or salmon oil.

Poultry Breast With Bone

Turkey breast is one of the best foods for your cat because it is low in fat and rich in protein. Turkey breast is also a good source of vitamins B6, B12 and minerals like manganese, phosphorus and selenium. Turkey breast can be broiled, baked, pan-fried, or simmered with vegetables for a more nutritious meal. You can also feed turkey breast mixed with canned pumpkin or mashed sweet potato.


Salmon is one of the best foods for cats because it is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids have been shown to lower blood pressure and improve heart health in your cat. Salmon is also a good source of vitamins B12 and D and minerals like selenium and potassium. Salmon can be cooked with vegetables for a more nutritious meal. You can also feed salmon as a snack or in a kibble. If your cat is allergic to salmon, you can feed her other protein sources such as tuna or fish oil.

Turkey And Beef

Turkey and beef are a good combination of protein rich foods that have many of the same health benefits as salmon. Beef is especially beneficial for cats because it provides protein, iron and vitamins. Turkey and beef are also rich in protein and have anti-inflammatory properties. These are great choices as they are both low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals. Turkey is a good choice because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to lower blood pressure and improve heart health in cats. Beef is also a good source of protein and vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc.

Tuna And Crab Meat

Tuna and crab meat are the perfect combination of healthy omega-3 fats and protein that can be found in salmon. These are also good sources of vitamins B12 and D and minerals like selenium and manganese. Similar to salmon, tuna can also be broiled, baked, pan-fried or simmered with vegetables for a more nutritious meal. You can feed tuna as a snack or kibble, or mix it with canned pumpkin or mashed sweet potato. Crab meat is rich in vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc. It can be fed to your cat as a snack or in the form of a kibble.

Duck And Other Meads

Duck and other types of fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation in your cat’s body. They are also good sources of protein and vitamins B12 and D. You can cook duck, turkey or fish with vegetables or mashed sweet potato for a more nutritious meal. You can feed these vegetables as a snack or kibble. Other fish like salmon, tuna and herring are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.


Vegetables are good for cats because they provide a low-calorie, low-fat, and high-vegetable protein source. Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, and folic acid present in many vegetables like sweet potatoes, kale, squash, and broccoli promote healthy heart and immune system functions in your cat. You can feed your cat fresh or canned vegetables. You can also make vegetable purées or dips that are good sources of vitamins and minerals. You can also grow your own vegetable garden if you have the time! If not, there are many varieties of vegetables that you can buy at the supermarket. Vegetables are rich in vitamins C, Beta-carotene, folic acid and many other health benefits. They are also low in calories, fat and are very low in calories and have no calories. You can also feed your cat fresh or canned vegetables.

6 Best Healthy Foods For Your Cat
6 Best Healthy Foods For Your Cat


Keeping your cat healthy and happy can be a lot easier than you think. Knowing what healthy food to feed them is the first step. Cat food should be so species-specific that you can tell what the ingredients are, not just what it looks like. Take the time to find out what the best foods are for your feline friend and they will be glad you did! Cat food should be so species-specific that you can tell what the ingredients are, not what it looks like. Take the time to find out what the best foods are for your feline friend and they will be glad you did! Cat food should be so species-specific that you can tell what the ingredients are, not just what it looks like. Take the time to find out what the best foods are for your feline friend and they will be glad you did! In order to keep your cat healthy and happy, you need to feed them the best food they can have.

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Your kitty may be the sweetest creature you’ll ever meet, but that also means they are the heaviest! As you’ve probably noticed by now,...